Solaris-2 Operating Systems

Solaris-2 Operating Systems

  • Introduction
  • At user-level
  • At Intermediate-level
  • At kernel-level



The solaris-2 Operating Systems supports:
  • threads at the user-level.
  • threads at the kernel-level.
  • symmetric multiprocessing and
  • real-time scheduling.
The entire thread system in Solaris is depicted in following figure.

At user-level

  • The user-level threads are supported by a library for the creation and scheduling and kernel knows nothing of these threads.
  • These user-level threads are supported by lightweight processes (LWPs). Each LWP is connected to exactly one kernel-level thread is independent of the kernel.
  • Many user-level threads may perform one task. These threads may be scheduled and switched among LWPs without intervention of the kernel.
  • User-level threads are extremely efficient because no context switch is needs to block one thread another to start running.
Resource needs of User-level Threads
  • A user-thread needs a stack and program counter. Absolutely no kernel resource are required.
  • Since the kernel is not involved in scheduling these user-level threads, switching among user-level threads are fast and efficient.


At Intermediate-level

The lightweight processes (LWPs) are located between the user-level threads and kernel-level threads. These LWPs serve as a "Virtual CPUs" where user-threads can run. Each task contains at least one LWp.
The user-level threads are multiplexed on the LWPs of the process.
Resource needs of LWP   
An LWP contains a process control block (PCB) with register data, accounting information and memory information. Therefore, switching between LWPs requires quite a bit of work and LWPs are relatively slow as compared to user-level threads.

At kernel-level

The standard kernel-level threads execute all operations within the kernel. There is a kernel-level thread for each LWP and there are some threads that run only on the kernels behalf and have associated LWP. For example, a thread to service disk requests. By request, a kernel-level thread can be pinned to a processor (CPU). See the rightmost thread in figure. The kernel-level threads are scheduled by the kernel's scheduler and user-level threads blocks.
SEE the diagram in NOTES
In modern solaris-2 a task no longer must block just because a kernel-level threads blocks, the processor (CPU) is free to run another thread.
Resource needs of Kernel-level Thread
A kernel thread has only small data structure and stack. Switching between kernel threads does not require changing memory access information and therefore, kernel-level threads are relating fast and efficient.


Laxman Singh


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