As a designer and a computer freak I know that time to time I need more and more number of fonts and always in search of getting unique fonts because fonts are the most important part of any graphic designing projects and sometimes it becomes hard to find the perfect font. For finding the perfect font you have to spend number of hours on the web and sometimes get frustrated.
Choosing a right font is necessary because it can make or break your design and the selection criteria includes a good readability and visibility of that font. So to help you out we have selected the top websites to download high quality font for you.
01. FontCubes
At font cubes you will find the quality of fonts out there and frankly speaking they are really very impressive and help you to make your design and art work more impressive. You can also display the text of your choice in color and size.
02. UrbanFonts
This site contains over 8000 free fonts and they are distributed into different categories which can be alphabetically browsed. You can also preview the selected font here and easily customize its color, background, casing options, etc.
03. 1001FreeFonts
As their name signifies they mention 1001 fonts but they have more than 10,000 free fonts which can be downloaded easily
04. DaFont
This is the ultimate and best known site for free fonts and mostly used site for free fonts. You can easily navigate to the fonts categories so that you can easily choose a category and select the required font style from it.
05. SearchFreeFonts
This site contains both free fonts as well as premium fonts. This site had more than 13,000 fonts and all are easily categorized into categories. This site also contains article on how to install fonts and a very handy guide on designing, organizing and managing your fonts.
06. HighFonts
From this site you can download the font faster because on this site you don’t have to navigate to other pages. Just click on the image and the download will begin. One of the disadvantage of this site is that you cannot preview the font here.
07. AbstractFonts
Its offers 1,000+ fonts with lots of information contained on the page. You can see this information by clicking on the font and you can also search for fonts categories here.
08. Fontica
It offers thousands of free fonts which can be downloaded easily.
09. Font Squirrel
This is one of the best website from which provides fonts for commercial use.
10. FreePremiumFonts
This website has the finest, high quality free fonts available for instant download. These premium fonts were selected by popular votes and arranges alphabetically in popular categories.